Saturday, April 18, 2020

Blog #12

Thesis:  Does Thomas Edison deserve recognition for the lightbulb? //Thomas Edison invented the lightbulb

         I.             1. Better Supply

a. expensive resources

b. more chances for improvement

c. time booster


       II.             2.More money // research and patents beforehand

a. Joseph Wilson Swan, Henry Woodward , Mathew Evans

b. connections with higher people

c. surplus of materials

                             3.Team of Experts

a. scientists

b. research from previous patents

c. fast process


a.       Without the previous patents Thomas Edison would’ve not advanced profoundly

b.       Previous opponents could have made the final product if they had more money to invest into better supplies and research

c.       Previous opponents did not have so many connections or big team of experts

Conclusion: Although, the lightbulb had many different styles…Thomas Edison put together and extensive team and money to create a final lightbulb that actually did what it was designed to do without failure.


“The History of the Light Bulb.”

This webpage provided me the British inventors beforehand that were working on the bulb’s life spans. With this, Thomas Edison used their research and improved the filament. They provided specific dates and details to his steps of improving the lightbulb.

Interesting Engineering / Science / Energy and Environment

This article listed all the people that deserved recognition for the infamous invention. The author, Christopher McFadden, listed Joseph Swans contributions well as Nikola Tesla, Humphrey Davy ,Warren de la Rue and many more. The author provided how each scientist contributed to the lightbulb.

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