Thursday, April 9, 2020

Blog #11

Imagine living in the world without light, other than the sun’s rays. The light we flicker on and off in our homes came along way since the 1800s. We use the invention of lightbulbs constantly during our lifetime, but have you ever wondered whose famous face hides behind this life changing invention? The lightbulb idea had many takers and many improvements added one after another. However, should we give the credit to those who made it happen or the one with the bright idea? When it is broken down, Thomas Edison invented the infamous lightbulb. Another question that is popular is as follows…what should be taken into consideration whether someone should be credited for the discovery of an idea or the invention of the idea? Innovations from previous lightbulb inventions/ideas, accessibility to more money for better supply, help from a team of experts; are all key factors whether the inventors really deserve recognition. With the help of scientists, theorists, articles, and textbooks we can gather information from all the inventors who helped produce the final product. Inventors like Joseph Wilson Swan, Henry Woodward, and Mathew Evans helped make major contributions to the lightbulb invention. Because of all these attributes, Thomas Edison invented the light bulb as he improved and commercialized the technology. After all, the rule of thumb is that discoveries apply to things that have long existed, while inventions – to things that have never existed in the past.

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